Jul 24 2024

Grindstone Grant Period Extended

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The Grindstone Award Foundation is a registered charity that works to get more girls on the ice and to grow female hockey across the nation.  We help girls play by providing grants of $500 to young females under the age of 19 who have a desire to play, but are unable to for financial reasons.  

Details are available at https://grindstoneaward.com/apply/

The deadline to apply is August 31, 2024 (grants only).

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Do you know of a female hockey player who is being kept off the ice due to financial constraints? @GrindstoneAward is here to help.  Check out their website for more information on their grants! https://grindstoneaward.com/apply/   #GirlsHockey #HelpHerPlay #FinancialSupport


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